Saturday, August 4, 2007

The future looks bright!

When Jesus told us to be the light of the world, I don't believe that it was to be a dim light, or even a candle that has burned so far into the wax that you cant tell if it is even lit. I do believe that he wants us to be a light that is so bright that it causes darkness to leave completely! At the Creek, God's light is shining like a spotlight and the focus is completely on Jesus! Some get caught up in talking about other churches, pastors, people and problems and all that does is showcase the problems. At HCBC, we spotlight Jesus! His life, His sacrifice, His kingdom and His priorities. It is all about Him, and nothing about us. The future looks bright too. As long as the light of Christ is what we shine and not our own, then the sky will be the limit for God's people at the Creek. With the light of Christ I can see, thousands coming to know Christ as Lord and Savior. I can see drug addicts, drug abusers and others with hurts, hang ups and habits, set free from their addictions and chains. I can see Missionaries in countries all over the globe sent out from Hawk Creek! I can see pre-schoolers, children, students, college students, singles, young families, and senior adults serving Christ together!!! Could a food and clothing ministry exist in the Creek's future? Could a Homeless shelter be in the outlook of our congregation? Could God use HCBC to begin a Christian School or Ministry training center? Is it possible that so many lost people could be saved through the ministry of HCBC that we are going to be out of space in the new building before it is even built? I do not know what the future holds, but I know that with the Light Of The World still shining, that our future is BRIGHT!!!

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