Monday, January 15, 2007

What a Wonderful Day at Church

In todays time, alot of people find church boring. Some even refer to it as a "cold" place to be. I am thankful that is not the case for the place God has planted my wife and I. Yesterday was so wonderful. God began moving, even before the formal time that the worship service started. A guy from our singles ministry felt that God was dealing with his heart to be saved. He said that he had prayed a prayer when he was young but had no idea what he was doing. All of these years, going to church, praying, etc, he said was nothing more than acting out what he had been taught. He nailed it down and settled it Sunday morning at about 10:35am. God began to move in a great way during the music and worship with people just loving the Lord through music and giving Him praise for who He is. The sermon was anointed by God, from Matthew talking about being the salt of the earth. What a thought that God wanted us to be the driving force that preserved, protects among other things. The Lord is asking us to stand firm and change the world for the good! We should be willing to refuse to leave the city, county, state and nation the way we found it. During invitation a middle aged gentleman gave his heart to the Lord. The alter had several other folks who was doing business with God. What a great time of celebration, I know I am thankful to be part of a church that celebrates life on a weekly basis. Not just life that he gives us if we ask, but his own life that was raised from the dead so that we could live forever!

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