Wednesday, January 17, 2007
Super Bowl Blitz
Seems like everybody is getting ready for the Super Bowl. I go to Wal-Mart, and there are signs everywhere. Go to the grocery store, and even Coca Cola, and that other drink have arranged their displays in the shape of football fields. Even people who don't like athletics are getting into the action, buying t-shirts of teams they have no idea about. I am excited about another opportunity to share Christ, at the Super Bowl Blitz! That's right, February 4th, Hawk Creek Church will rent the entire bowling alley in London, to give students in the area to bowl for free while watching the Super Bowl on a wall screen TV. We will also give away I-Pods, PS2, DVD, Cd's and other cool stuff. Why would a church spend money on such an event? Because we want to impact the culture for Jesus, and by doing so loving people. Loving them to the point that they see something in us that they want, that is the light of Christ. We want to be the salt of the earth not just a tasteless good for nothing substance. What better way to worship the Lord, than by serving Him through serving others. I am excited to see what the Lord does through this event, this might turn out to be a SUPER SIZED GOD THING!
Monday, January 15, 2007
What a Wonderful Day at Church
In todays time, alot of people find church boring. Some even refer to it as a "cold" place to be. I am thankful that is not the case for the place God has planted my wife and I. Yesterday was so wonderful. God began moving, even before the formal time that the worship service started. A guy from our singles ministry felt that God was dealing with his heart to be saved. He said that he had prayed a prayer when he was young but had no idea what he was doing. All of these years, going to church, praying, etc, he said was nothing more than acting out what he had been taught. He nailed it down and settled it Sunday morning at about 10:35am. God began to move in a great way during the music and worship with people just loving the Lord through music and giving Him praise for who He is. The sermon was anointed by God, from Matthew talking about being the salt of the earth. What a thought that God wanted us to be the driving force that preserved, protects among other things. The Lord is asking us to stand firm and change the world for the good! We should be willing to refuse to leave the city, county, state and nation the way we found it. During invitation a middle aged gentleman gave his heart to the Lord. The alter had several other folks who was doing business with God. What a great time of celebration, I know I am thankful to be part of a church that celebrates life on a weekly basis. Not just life that he gives us if we ask, but his own life that was raised from the dead so that we could live forever!
A New Covenant or Just Convienience?
I was recently reading that former leaders of our country have decided that it is time that a new Baptist denomination is formed. One that would promote more open mindedness as well as become more sympathetic to the environment. The basis for their argument was to state that the Southern Baptist Convention was not helpful enough when it came to disasters that affected individuals nor tolerant enough of homosexuals and abortion rights advocates. Let me say that I am a Southern Baptist, but my views on social issues are not dictated by my denomination but by my conviction that the Word of God is my moral compass. This fact is not so for those at the helm of this "New Baptist Covenant". They have taken the Word of God and tried to make it the word of man. Letting minority opinion and political gain be the guide used to build a base. When denominations sidestep the Bible, then they are in no way a Christian, Evangelical or God fearing denomination. I pray for those that are teetering on the line of decision to join the new Covenant, that they will weigh the scripture against the vision of this new movement. Where are the plans to reach people around the world with not just clean drinking water but living water? I challenge each of you to read the Bible, and stand firm in your convictions no matter what winds of change blow.
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